Lincoln’s No Coast Derby Girls (NCDG) washed up to shore in July 2005. Derby girl, Dolly Trauma, caught wind of the Texas roller girls while touring with local band Axes to the Sky. Soon word was spreading throughout Lincoln. Judith Priest and Dolly Trauma met with Systa Wrecktomy and Iona Gunn to see about forming Nebraska’s first and only roller derby league. Through fliers and word of mouth, meetings happened and practices started. Now after our successful first season we are getting ready for our second in April.
A bout consists of three 20-minute periods. Each period is composed of an unlimited number of jams which can last up to 2 minutes.
After each jam, the teams have 20 seconds to line up for the next jam. If a skater is not on the track when the whistle is blown, her team must skate short.
The time clock does not stop unless: a team calls time out, the refs need to discuss a call or an injury stops the jam.
Each team has five skaters on the track at one time unless a player is sitting in the penalty box.
One whistle blast starts the jam. Two blasts start the jammers. Four blasts signal the end of the jam.
Pivot - wears a helmet cover with one stripe in the center. She starts at the front of the pack. Usually this position controls the speed of the pack and is the last line of defense against the opposing jammer.
Blocker - works with her team to make holes in the pack for her jammer to skate through while at the same time blocking the opposing jammer.
Jammer - Wears a helmet cover with a star on it. She is the only skater that can score points. To start scoring points she has to get through the pack once and then lap them. On the second pass through the pack she will score one point for every opposing team member she passes legally and in bounds.
Lead Jammer is the first jammer to make it though the pack without fouling. The lead jammer can call off the jam at any time after lead status is granted to her. She calls it off by placing her hands on her hips.
Minors: Grabbing or any use of the hands on the opposing team, blocking with the forearm, tripping, kicking, or blocking with the feet or legs, pushing, shoving, punching, or holding, swinging elbows, blocking with the head, blocking the jammer more then 20 feet from the pack, hitting from behind.
Majors: In a nutshell any blatant disregard for the rules or the safety of the other skaters.
Four minors = One major
Every major places the offending skater in the box for one minute.