5 Cool Roller Skating Tricks: Step-by-Step Guild

Without further due, here are some tricks that you can learn how to do. If you are a beginner and are working past just skating down a street, indoor roller skate, and want to look a little bit fancier, you can try one of these skating tricks.

I got five tricks for you.

Roller Skates Tricks Number 1

Okay, so I want you to bear in mind that I have no idea what any of these roller skating tricks are called, so please let me know if you know what roller skates are called.

So the first thing will be skating forward, and it’s going to have a foot extended out in front of you, mainly on the heel.

So what you need to do going into this is you need to know how to comfortably roll forward, so as long as you can skate and roll forward, you can probably start trying this move.

To successfully learn this move, you will need to be able to balance on one foot and skate forward. It could be the right foot or the left foot, whichever is more comfortable for you.

Once you know you are comfortable moving forward and also balancing on one foot, what you are going to do is you are going to start rolling. I recommend you do this slowly at first. You are going to start rolling. You are going to bend your knees, and then you will pick whatever leg is the most comfortable for you, and you will put it in front of you on your heel.

So what you need to do going into this is you need to know how to comfortably roll forward, so as long as you can skate and roll forward, you can probably start trying this move.

To successfully learn this move, you will need to be able to balance on one foot and skate forward. It could be the right foot or the left foot, whichever is more comfortable for you.

Once you know you are comfortable moving forward and also balancing on one foot, what you are going to do is you are going to start rolling. I recommend you do this slowly at first. You are going to start rolling. You are going to bend your knees, and then you will pick whatever leg is the most comfortable for you, and you will put it in front of you on your heel.

So you will be rolling, and then whatever foot is comfortable, you pick it up, you put it on your heel in front of you, and you are going to continue rolling forward, your knees are bent.

Once you get comfortable doing it slowly and just being in that position, practicing like moving and then having that there, you can be like, wow! Look at me

If you want to make it a little bit cooler, you can move your ankle from right to left and sway it in front of you like a little snake.

This is what it would look like

This is a fun thing to do if you are at the rink, at a tennis court, or skating down the street. If you want to add a little pizzazz, adding a pizzazz by putting your foot in front, moving it back and front, or just putting your foot in front is a cool way.

Roller Skating Tricks Number 2

This is going to be a lot easier than the other tricks. What it is, is a toe stop kick.

What you are going to do is you are going to plant your toe stop, and then you are going to kick the other side of your foot.

You can do it, either way, you could do it by planting your right foot and kicking out to the left, or you could plant your right foot with your toe stop and then kick to the right. Either way, you do it. It gives you that angles with your body.

So what you are doing is you are going to bend your knees, you put whatever toe stop, and you are going to kick out your another foot and straighten up your knee once you get to the top of that toe stop kick.

What I like doing it, I like doing this at the beginning of going skating because sometimes I don’t know what to do to make it look cool when I’m going skating around. What I will do is I will bend my knees, I will plant my toe stop, I will kick, and then I land and go into some skating movement, and it just looks so fun, and it has just a little bit more of a kick to it.

Roller Skate Tricks Number 3

So the next move is a move that you also will do in place, and I’m going to teach you the slow version of this, and you can speed it up as you get more comfortable with it. But what will look like eventually is you are going in and out with your feet. 

It’s going to look like 

And then you can speed it up, and it looks pretty cool. But it starts with this very basic step.

So the basic step that I’m going to teach you is either starting with your toes in or your toes out.

I like starting with my toes in because I think the energy it takes to put my toes out is a good starting point for me. 

So, you start with your toes in, and your knees are bent, and then you will shift both of your toes outward. You were moving either to the right or the left, and then you can either continue moving to the right and then put your toes back in and then put your toes out again, or you can move back to the left, and you are putting your toes in and then out and then in and then out.

The way you know which side you are going is you will be kind of pushing your weight a little bit in that direction. 

Even though you are still doing the same movement, you will move your weight to this side when you go to the right.

It’s really fun, make you look cool, and is not that hard.

Quad Roller Skate Tricks Number 4 (Jump 180 Turn)

Our next move is to start practicing to get into a jump 180 turn.

When you are doing a jump 180 turn, you are essentially just moving from one side to the other, it’s like a transition, but it is a jump transition.

So what we are learning right now is not a full jump of 180 turns, so don’t freak out.

We are doing a couple of steps that lead up to a jump 180 turn. So again, a jump 180 turn is when you are in one direction, you jump, and then you are in the other direction.

You are going to do that by bending your knees and looking in the direction you are going to go, kind of the same way that you would if you were doing a transition. You are bending your knees and then looking and then stepping, but instead, what you are going to do is you are going to bend your knees, and you are going to look as you are looking, and as you are looking, you are going to jump, and then you going to land in a bended knee position.

Now, if that is too much for you and you are like, in the title, you said that this was a beginner video like that is not beginner moves.

This is what I want you to start working on, so what you can start working on is you can start working up to 180 by doing quarter jump turns.

So you will start facing one direction and instead of trying to go the whole way around, what you are just trying to do is you are just trying to jump a quarter.

You are going to start the same way with your knees bent, and then you will jump and land in a quarter turn, and then you will again. If you want to continue doing it, you will look in the direction you are trying to go, bend those knees, jump, and land on bended knee facing the direction you are trying to go.

You want to try both sides because you may think your right side is best, but your left side might be best and sneaky.

An important thing to note when you are jumping into a 180 or even 90-degree jump is you need to make sure your feet are staggered, so you are not going to jump with your feet right next to each other like this.

When you are staggered, you will start in a staggered position, and you are also going to land in a staggered position.

There are many different ways that you can land. Still, the easiest way to land, especially when you are doing a 180 jump turn, is not to jump all the way and end up with this foot in the front again. You can do that, but you can also jump, and you are ending up with your back foot now in the front, so you have less room to go.

If you are just started to do a 180 turn and are trying to get around, you might want to think about pivoting, so the back foot ends up in the front.

Tricks Number 4

Our last trick will be a little bit of a turn, and by a little bit, I mean it’s a turn. 

But we are not picking our feet up off of the ground in this turn. In this turn, what we are doing is we are just going from forward to backward, but we are not doing a transition where we step. We are doing a flow transition using a little bit of side stance.

So it’s going to look like you’re going forwards and transitioning into a skate backward.

This one is the first one that I learned, and honestly, it looks fancy, feels smooth, and is a lot easier than it looks.

So to learn how to do this, you need to get a little bit comfortable with opening up your legs so you don’t need to do the full side stance.

But you do need to be able to open up your feet enough to glide even in a circle into that.

What you’re going to practice doing is you’re going to practice first off just opening up your feet into a little bit of a first position, and then when you are moving, you’re going to practice doing not just skating forward, but putting one foot behind you.

This trick is that you don’t do a lot of the work, honestly. You just set yourself up, and then your body and the torque and everything that is the momentum you have going that kind of finishes the trick for you.

So in slow motion, what you’re doing, you’re moving, and then you’re putting your right foot forward, you’re following with your left foot, and then you’re just letting it go with you, and then you continue skating backward.

You’re getting the momentum going into this turn because you are bending your knees going into it. So you’re skating, and you have your knees bent, but then you’re bending a little more, you’re pushing with your foot that’s leading, and then you are straightening up to the back.

So the momentum is you pushing, bending, straightening, and then you end up with whatever your leading foot is.

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