Did you come to our last bout and get inspired? The No Coast Derby Girls are always on the look out for new talent. Are you interested in becoming a skater or a referee with No Coast? Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.
The No Coast Derby Girls are looking for some fresh meat to fill our rosters and some new referees to keep those girls in line!
Worried you aren't don't have the skills you need to play roller derby? Don't worry! We teach you the skills you need to pass the WFTDA minimum skills
assessment. The next open recruitment period in November
and December 2009. Head out to Skatezone on Thursday and Sunday evenings to chat with a current skater and start getting your skating legs back.
Starting with our initial practices in November, our coaches will be working on building skills and
assessing where people are in relation to skill level. Beginning in
December, new recruits will be asked to have their own safety
equipment: skates, helmet, mouth guard, wrist guards, elbow and
knee pads. More intensive training will begin including learning how to
fall safely and some light hitting.
Once recruits gets through this training, they will be welcome to
join the full league for practice in mid-January. We do break for
holidays and plan our practices around them. We usually have 2-3
practices a week and skaters are required to attend at least 2 per
week. We require a 60% attendance record of scheduled practices per
month to bout. Primary medical insurance will be required when the group begins practicing with the full league.
You will need to purchase your own skates, helmet, mouth guard, elbow pads, knee pads and wrist guards. New refs will also have to provide your own health insurance.
Skaters will be required to pass the WFTDA Basic Skills Assessment before being allowed to skate in a bout but don't let that intimidate you. No Coast will help you learn everything you need to know!
Stay tuned for practice dates and times for the 2009 Recruitment Period starting in November!
Skaters need to pay dues but can't get to practice? Pay here now!